magician ‘s apprentice

<China issued by the United States split a large film ” magician ‘s apprentice ” , gathered in the Oscar-winner Nicolas Cage , famous movie stars Monica Bellucci , from the famous Brook Producer Jerry Bruckheimer production , will be September 9 landing domestic theaters . Yesterday, the film ‘s press screening in Beijing , journalists ahead of the film ‘s magical experience . Wealth ” magic ” with Chinese elements , consistent with the circumstances of the dream house men , the New York version of ” sharp man ” Nicolas Cage is not this old-fashioned magic teacher . But this is more like science magic spell over the film , actor finally defeat the ultimate witch ‘s magic was his painstaking study of experimental materials physics .

  Storytelling : than ” Pirates of the dream space ” too many to easily

The story in today’s New York , from the fourth-grade actor David Let’s talk about . His reply to pursue your favorite girls , accidentally went into , called ” the mysterious magic house ” of antique shops, met Nicolas Cage plays the magic master Basa Ze . In order to prevent the release of the evil magician pulling the evil sorceress Huo Jia Mo Na, Cage and Howard pull together to be sealed in a large vase. Until 10 years later was able to escape the magician pulling Fok , while the male lead has grown to become fond of physics students . Cage in a secret place to teach magic to the actor . Actor in girlfriend and friends eventually help to kill the evil sorceress Mok Jia Na .

” Pirates of the dream space ” of the plot very deep , ” the magician ‘s apprentice , ” is very close to the people , for the whole family young and old viewers. Which play a leading man to clean the room , ” Fantasia ” in the classic scene to reproduce the classic nostalgic music rings, mop and bucket random dancing , magic failure of the actor was forced to stage a farce. And both sides of the pursuit of the runaway show , the continuous transfiguration of the car also be considered as part of the movie interesting .

  Kan figures :

  Cage is very ” sharp ” leading man a bit ugly

” Pirates of the dream space ” with Oscar team , ” magician ‘s apprentice “is a gold producer Jerry Bruckheimer Brook , ” Dr. Octopus ” Alfred Molina and Monica Bellucci sex goddess to join . Actor Jieyibalu Thatcher has appeared in ” Tame Dragon Master “,” I do not deserve him, ” compared with the past such as ” Harry Potter “,” Lord of the Rings “and the magic hero , he looked It is difficult to be called a handsome , thin build, high forehead , his voice is very flat , but pretty consistent now , ” rookie “change “super hero ” taste.

In recent years, known as ” box office poison ” of Nicolas Cage , playing the wizard in the film Basa Ze Blake , through the ancient and modern look for the Master Merlin ‘s heir – Extreme Merlin . Following the ” Hai Bian Wang ” after which he then ” sharp man ” image of the man to do with green leaves , wild curly hair styling , has been wearing a big black windbreaker . With “The Matrix “and” Sicilian legend , ” world-renowned Italian beauty Monica Bellucci sexy , after opening his face but she has been ” blocked “until the final scene before displaying a long spell out , staged tears Cage lost opera.

  Biggest challenge :

  Magic even match for the physical sciences

Compared to “Harry Potter” series, the impression Middle School , this modern fantasy films strong , not only in the scene on the very modern , and even magic are the rich ” metallic taste . ” Nicolas Cage riding the birds but rather a Transformers -like monster , but with a plasma actor also all the metallic coils of physical products . ” Pirates of the dream space ” in the dreams of space is distorted , and in the ” Sorcerer’s Apprentice , ” it actually appeared in films mirror world , the two main characters on the highway chase car into a mirror world , where the housing and automobile things Is , in turn , they can only look for mirror exports. In addition to old-fashioned drama (the last hero to win it all, beautiful girlfriend , self-realization , and save the world ), the background of incomplete ( only available for thousands of leading man , the evil sorceress Mo Na of Mana looks good not so severe ) of , The most disappointed people on the magic may be the last scene : actor Dave clever use of science and technology , it defeated a thousand years ago, the female shaman . Magic seems to progress also includes scientific.

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” Resident Evil 4: afterlife , ” as the North American box office chart a new Section title

” Resident Evil 4: afterlife “To 27.7 million U.S. dollars in the weekend box office to becomeNorth American box officeChart a new Section title and set the highest of the series premiere of the movie box office .” Resident Evil 4 “Is the series of the first 3D movie film , in theaters showing the film in 3202 , by Liu Cheng has taken 3D form shown above , and another 141 theaters to take IMAX3D format show . In Changsha,” Pirates of the dream space “Continuous force, and journalists from the Cheung Sha Hengdian Xiaoxiang Wangfujing Studios , Wanda International Cinema , Film understand this Code, put the cinema , the film last week in Changsha, a total harvest 1.57 million yuan . At 19 o’clock on the September 15 ,” Hawthorn Love “Studios will be held in the city premiere of Wangfujing , the night , who watched the Movie City ” Hawthorn Love ” couple viewers have the opportunity to be a pure gold of the leaves , and ” Hawthorn Love “Book 1 This .

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Die Zeit reported on August 25 “Honey, what they were afraid of a big dream of it! “WhenLeonardo DiCaprioLed by ” Pirates of the Dream ” team in the big screen in the dream world face resistance, Tom Hardy magic ceremony to lift the grenade launchers, automatic rifles on the holders of such ridicule Joseph High Denglaiweite . Hollywood in the real world outside the movies , on side 40 of the English gentleman克里斯托佛诺blue with the same unrestrained state , written and directed a one to fans around the world , ” incredible but linger “in” Pirates of the dream space “( Comments )

This is an obvious ” Hollywood . ” Invested 160 million U.S. dollars , nearly 40 countries around the world ( region) released . Berlin, Leonardo DiCaprio and Oscar winner Cotillard Houmalien lead , starring not one voteOscarA frequent visitor , is the popular face of Hollywood . Shooting in six countries , complemented by superb CG technology, stunning action sequences , intense chase , gun fight with explosions exciting scenes of the play in a less. Since July 16 has been shown in North America , ” Pirates of the dream space ” of the global box office has exceeded six hundred million U.S. dollars .

But this is by no means a typical ” Hollywood . ” ” Pirates of the dream space ” continues克里斯托佛诺Lan has been on the paranoid feeling of exploration and surreal subjects of keen on the film qualities are as much as possible adhering to the “independent film style ” : with wisdom and reflection as the key link , The actor ‘s performance in an important position ; set fire to the proliferation of 3D wave of neglect , in love with the traditional technology; not defined Faithfulness good and evil , walk in the gray area , Zhizhirenxin disputes ; seemingly random , chaotic editing techniques . Global fans in the IMDb (The internet movie database, Internet Movie Database ) given to ” Pirates of the dream space ” rating was once as high as 9.6 ( out of 10 ), is retaining its position it to 9.1 IMDb top three global film history , and ” The Godfather , “” Schindler’s List ” comparable , far more than” Avatar “( Comments )

“My goal is to create a story , one of the world , covering a variety of human experiences , emotions , all kinds of big-budget Hollywood entertainment with a method presented by my imagination on the big screen , I sat in the cinema to enjoy this leisurely Everything. “克里斯托佛诺Lan has said , it did.

September 2 , ” Pirates of the dream space ” will not cut knife Log in Mainland China the big screen. Fans gathered in the watercress line , this film has not yet released to a maximum of 9.3 points commandeered the film chart.

” surrealistic “and” paranoid “

7 years old started playing with his father’s V8 camera克里斯托佛诺blue , very early on in the streets of London holding a video camera filmed the East beat the West , while in college he majored in English literature , while organized called “16 Mm , ” the film community , and some of the same fanatical film fans a 16 mm film video production , and in some small-scale independent film festivals . Nolan now swept the world , people from his critics in 1989 ‘s ” Talantela ” and 1996 ‘s ” lion ants , ” two short films Nolan found a consistent theme of the surreal love .

In 1999, graduated 6 years , Nolan has four employees to return to film, he raised 6,000 dollars and took a later allowing him to enter Hollywood ‘s experimental film ” follow “: a desire to follow passers- inspired writer B and C D to get a different life . Nolan ‘s film is helped by a full-time workers together in every Saturday shooting , lighting, costumes, sets are themselves DIY, for a whole year before and after the shot , cut out a 70 -minute version: reverse , in reverse The dismemberment of the time , black and white film . ” follow ” later in the film festival screenings caused a sensation called ” carries the dreams and ambitions of the young , cool . ” This is Nolan ‘s first real movie , and this knocked the door of Hollywood .

In 2000, the United States Summit Entertainment has its eyes on Christopher Nolan ‘s brother乔纳森诺兰to the short story ” a symbol of death , ” Leonard tells a story of rape blame themselves for failure to rescue slaughter His wife , and the choice of the amnesia story. This on the ” guilt ” of the film obviously a small minority, but still gives the Summit Entertainment movie 1000 times Nolan on investment : 900 million, and got Guy Pearce , Kairuianmo Williams and other stars perform second-line . Nolan still use the non-linear , jump endless editing mode , with alternating black and white and color film show , fans will be firmly locked on the sofa .

While the feel-good film , but Nolan on the box office and not much confidence in the films has Nolan and friends to get from vendors forecast : these films at the box office at 4 million to 5 million U.S. dollars is outstanding even among Respondents . But ” Memento ” is one stroke in the global harvest 39 million U.S. dollars , also won the Independent Spirit Award for Best Screenplay and Best Director Award , Golden Globe and Oscar even handed to all branches , both will send the best screenplay nomination . ” Memento “soon will become the possession of the art film lovers film .

This year,克里斯托佛诺Zealand only 30 years old. His success owes much to his paranoid feelings for continuous tracking, and in order to reflect the feelings and conduct of this paranoid style of filming and editing .

In 2002, Nolan released a remake of the 1997 Norwegian film ” Insomnia . ” This is also dwell on the guilt of the story: accidentally killed a friend of Thomas , the very day in Alaska during the day long without sleep . The film not only box-office stability, but a Hollywood remake of a rare European success of the film for the film .

What really克里斯托佛诺blue line Hollywood director ‘s work is 2003 ‘s ” Batman Begins . ” When the Batman series in crisis , his original story with making a serious attitude to Batman was reborn. In his arrangement, with Batman as the death of the guilt parents become sensitive to stress , often feel fear . This is not the same as Bruce Wayne saved the Spider-Man series , even after the impact of this American hero , Superman movie style . In 2006, Nolan wanted to film one of your favorite movies, in this adaptation of the same name Christopher Prester novel ” The Prestige ” , the protagonist is a magician still guilty person.

In 2008, ” Batman Begins 2: The Dark Knight ” turned out to Portland for the same continued克里斯托佛诺guilt , feelings of paranoia , etc. , so the audience can not stop watching the tense drama and delicate in-depth exploration of human nature So that the film one billion U.S. dollars in the global harvest , it was the world’s fourth of the box office . It is worth mentioning that in Nolan ‘s guidance, to play against angle clownHeath LedgerOscar Best Supporting Actor award , known as the history of the “perfect clown . ”

Explore dream

“I always felt that dream in my life have great inspirations , I am always very attractive idea because of the dream , we recognize the feelings in the dreams of all his brains are in fact created, first created the dreams and Inside the dialogue , as well as a variety of body experience in which , when you drill in which you realize that you have created the dream of all this, if you talk with people in the dream , the dialogue was in fact create a person you , but my feelings just from one side . I think this is what I want to say, the potential of the human brain is remarkable , I make this ” Pirates of the dream space ” as the show is the exciting possibility that The human mind in the end bears much of the energy , how many do not understand our own . “克里斯托佛诺Lan said . From ” Memento “to” Insomnia “until ” Pirates of the dream space ” , he never gave up on the dream to explore the power .

Finished in 2003 , ” Insomnia “, the Nolan proposed the shooting ” Pirates of the dream space ” idea , and Warner had already been promised . Who would have thought a few months to write the script originally expected time , eventually spent eight years. This is Nolan in 1999 ‘s ” follow ” the second after the original script .

With eight years grinding out the script , so the dream world becomes both meticulous and informative. More clues to the ” Pirates of the dream space “created a very few people know how to ” share the dream “technology in the world , dream world, the building has a strict rule , careful of its own logic , and full of unknown and can not be controlled . Have seen the movie after movie fans , and even find out which make extensive use of mathematical knowledge : “Some of the audience , after reading , that ” Pirates of the dream of space ” is mysterious , but also illogical in many places . But in my view, very few Than ” Pirates of the dream space ” more structured script was . ” Pirates of the dream space ” as the structure is like a thesis , but also that style . ” screenwriter Nolan is also a fan of a building , he set up to create a dream space Be close , this close brought the most direct experience of the story .

Is likely to be the face of their favorite movies, fans have the mentality is always complex, on the one hand they want more , on the other hand worry too much play through will compromise their Guan O’clock shadow of pleasure . However, this attitude about the outcome of ” Pirates of the dream space ” case is a little redundant , even if you will , ” Pirates of the dream space ” in all of the story memorized in the chest , you still will be in cinemas is that it firmly to attract , in addition to style Of the visual effects , the Nolan structure like a labyrinth of dreams in this world will cost you a lot of brain cells , when the lights turn on , get on return of the car , you can still pondering , thought, or even frown to ask Themselves .

Star Leonardo ‘s explanation of his role : ” I play this character is the industry expert who matters from the chaos to seize the key , obviously , this is very special, special technology, his work is a crime , only with Associates blend into the black market , they know how to break into people’s brains , steal important information. In our film , the dream is called stealing . steal the brain important concept, idea , or a kind of survival or life New view to change or control other people’s real life . This is the work he and his team . ”

In the titles of a ” Pirates of the Dream ” operation failed, Leonardo was invited to participate in a secret , ” Pirates of the Dream ” program , and before the action is different , this is not a theft from the person’s brain ideas , but the plant Into the idea . In order to return a pair of children ‘s side , Leonardo accepted the task , begun in the global search for the ” Pirates of the dream ” partner .

Leonardo looking for partners in the way , director Nolan set a total lack of understanding ” Pirates of the Dream ” team , played by Alan Paige . Nolan to Leonardo led her into the ” Pirates of the dream world ” , also led the face of ” Pirates of the Dream ” that is entirely a rookie of the audience into the magical world – everyone had a dream , but you never from this Point to ponder over ” dream. ” When the audience a little bit of understanding of the ” Pirates of the dream world, ” the same time , hidden deep down in Leonardo ‘s ” guilt ” is also a little bit to dig out from the Peggy Allen : his wife have been indulging in a dream world And Leonardo spent in deep dream long years , in order to let his wife return to the real world of children around , Leonardo implanted deep in the subconscious of his wife , ” This is not reality , we need to die in this world Back to the real reality ” idea . Leonardo both his wife and finally lay the dream world of the train tracks , they returned to the real world , but his wife was Leonardo brain implant that idea has been not disappear , she bent back ” Real world ” , eventually chose to commit suicide by jumping in front of Leonardo and Leonardo away to escape forced afar .

No matter how magical dream world , with how complex and multi- room , and regardless of how the actions of stolen dreams and turns back to 1000 , figures how the fate of twists and turns , finally able to move the audience is always the emotional character . ” multi-level relationships between characters , the expression of emotional tie him down , feeling the story line of the track , all under the theme of dreams was the best show . ” Leonardo said .

” Pirates of the dream space ” executive producer克里斯布莱Ham said: ” Some people say that this movie good or bad Faithfulness , I’d think it more interesting . Of course, the audience will surely judge for themselves , feelings Who tend to side , or who do not like . but that is the charm of the film Chris , is that when you are hard to distinguish right and wrong , you will find every person who in fact , there exists a gray area . ” full of gray Zone ” Pirates of the dream space ” also made a final torture : ” implanted in the minds of the others had an idea , then that person or himself? “This torture meaningful .

70 after the director of the Traditional Way

“God made “” Avatar , ” the film studio , James was born in 1954 . Cameron is the most common outfit : blue jeans, black T shirt , T -shirts is the Japanese cartoon ” GUNNM ” illustrations or What other patterns . He was playing with a newly developed 3D camera , which made James look more like a trendy technology, IT obsessed elite .

Whether in the ” Pirates of the dream space ” or post-production studio room , born 1970, Portland克里斯托佛诺usually a suit – and sometimes even traditional English -style shirt , vest , three-piece suit . In the ” Pirates of the dream space ” Snapshots taken , you occasionally can not tell who is the director , who is the actor . Judging from the appearance , Nolan is like a little fat version of Leonardo ; dress style from the point of view, Nolan is a thin version of the Hitchcock .

This is known as ” the best dressed from Hitchcock after taste ” after the director of 70 , Summer 2010, Cameron -induced subversion of the “post- Avatar era. ” Line director in Hollywood seems particularly young克里斯托佛诺blue in essence, is a traditional technique to send the letter , he and old partner , director of photography沃利菲斯特( two Oscar nominations ) from the Decided to start shooting 35 mm film as the main force , and to join a large number of handheld shooting , Nolan said: “We want to narrow in some places a lot of hand-held camera shot to a record sense . ”

Looking for large format photography carrier , they find out and from the traditional surprise , in the worked , ” 2001 ” , ” Blade Runner ” Sinatra Mu Boer Douglas production effects , where they visited the high-speed 65 mm film Shooting Showscan technology, has chosen the VistaVision 8 holes 35 mm film , and the two together. Perhaps these professional name to let the viewer feels hard to understand, must be explained that , VistaVision is a frame of the widescreen ratio of 1.66:1 format , film within a cross walk at the camera , invented Yu last century 50’s , except in 1956 Classic Westerns “Search “and the 1958 Alfred Hitchcock ‘s ” Vertigo “in glorious bloom too soon, after being abandoned , and now a Hollywood director who occasionally use it to take effect in addition to the lens , the almost forgotten to get a thousand 2 net .

But Nolan to use these ” old technology ” to create the amazing visual effects , film still has a number of wonderful texture can not be replaced . People always thought that science fiction or surreal movie requires Shiyong new and revolutionary shooting equipment , when ” Pirates of the dream space ” appear , they almost can not believe the current film technology shows how a real Shenqi dream , does not know this Suoyou All the technology already exists, only the other caring people to dig and play .

” Pirates of the dream space ” of men and starring Leonardo said: ” There are a lot of movie scenes , you’ll find the surreal things happen very specific place . But we are not shooting at the green foreground , The film ‘s stunt did not how to use green screen . when the whole scene must be tilted , such as changes resulting from the phenomenon of gravity , he ( Nolan ) should send the entire scene in a hydraulic machine, tilt the whole pub up Hirian and I have a scene shot in there , that scene is I tried to persuade him to believe I was the protector of his dreams , a group of long shots , too many lines . and then the scene began to tilt , prop in the side Bursting in air , we must seize the thing to balance , otherwise homeopathic slip, sometimes hard, but the body is made of natural reaction, if the foreground in the green shoot , that is for show , tilt the camera lens on the line directly A . ”

In the film “Batman Dark Knight “, the克里斯托佛诺Lan went to the three countries for filming, and filming ” Pirates of the dream space ” when he set foot in 6 countries. Nolan said: “We went through all the hardships and dangers , from torrential rain to the summer , to snow storms , just wanted to test ourselves in a real environment, how much valuable material can be photographed . actor living in the real Environmental film , this movie will be enhanced and convincing realism , with a cast to the Peak, letting them into the water , where are their shadows . ”

Prudent use of green screen with CG technology , try to use the real environment or scenery shot , will focus on the actors in the real environment to make real response , so Nolan create the most vivid dream world . His approach to deviate from the mainstream of contemporary Hollywood , it was a surprising result.

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” Prince of Persia: SANDS OF TIME”

” Prince of Persia: SANDS OF TIME”is a very “real” film , it lies This is really a Jiaoren earth manner to “see” rather than ” think ” movie . Adaptation of the game from the point of view, video I did not fool people, from start to finish to break through the barrier is kept on playing BOSS, so is the climax of the whole movie apart from high tide , you wants to stop and not OK , because BOSS never rest Because the barrier is time.

A deep, desert , lost deep in the history of the ancient empire and the mysterious legends of movie sets the background of a relatively heterogeneous , like Searching for Exploration and the pursuit of audio-visual enjoyment of audience who , this in itself is an attractive Things , let alone the person who played the game . City of Hollywood movies in video technology has tremendous advantages of match , when they successfully implanted this advantage to any one culture can have a certain appeal. They see the mysterious oriental culture enrichment relative to the screen is infinitely Shiyou mystical , mysterious background plus the action adventure fantasy is often a result of another visual feast , there is no nutrition is no longer important , then it Department of ” mummy “is so representative of .

But few such films have spared no effort to show action from beginning to end special effects and even show picture show , Jerry . Bruckheimer film production resume is to tell people who prefer to make his films climax , but as the ” Prince of Persia ” in This nonstop action climax , I seem to only in “Mission Impossible 3 ” in the taste too .

Coupled with the beginning of the desert scenery unique style of Islamic music in the production of the declaration of the film ‘s excellent , just play that part of the market chasing people feel boring boring , CG out only one town but also has the texture of the East Ancient castles and ingenuity of the siege scene were suddenly narrowed and the distance between the audience , from this moment , Jack. Gyllenhaal began showing melancholy temperament from his actions show a very inconsistent . During that climb the walls of the action design is very crap , but you had to admire the artist’s imagination , because this is contemporary American soldiers on the screen often to do. That includes the final shooting darts variant of modern war . Hollywood ‘s most vulgar and most exciting to do is to use technical means to send fill the gap in the habit of standardized stylized action , and then turned into these movements did not mandatory , but others had to abide by and follow a fixed pattern . This is the advantage of industrial production , small workshop production even further innovation can not be covered before in this film empire weak .

It was suggested that the view that the ” Prince of Persia “in the mapping USA and Iraq war, the story of the film really is able to escape a suspect case . We can not deny the creator of the impact of the incident is highly current affairs , film originally because people see their own eyes the reality does not meet the arising , the Lumiere brothers in 1895 is based on the idea and probably accidentally become film The invention of man . Therefore, no one can not determine the ” Prince of Persia “and creator of the mind has no idea of the Iraq war , maybe this is an unconscious behavior is a coincidence , it is important that someone look out of this, as some people believe that ” A Where Da ” and “flying Pixar “is reflected in the film as forced relocation , this is the movie to bring people to the fun.

One thing that is confusing , the same actors in different movies a difference in how ‘s that one? Not long ago , ” the gods of war ” in Gemma . ardente in the photographer ‘s lens, the elegant refined so no party objects , and in the ” Prince of Persia ” in the face even become so unbearable , freckled face more A glance , even though the movie man said she was “beautiful like a legend , “but I am afraid that the Chinese audience seems to have thrown in the street humble , perhaps in the desert Niu relative performance should be a little rough , but this Role in the film, which is a decoration , but the furnishings , if replaced with Penelope . Cruz should be more in line with the racial characteristics of the film , and more pleasing number . But then again, so almost all movies are furnished . Jack . Gyllenhaal ‘s mission is to keep running jump, the only people did not think this accident is reminiscent of one that appeared on the death of Heath . Ledger ‘s gloomy men have such a skill . Even the old bone of this opera . Kingsley , there is little opportunity to demonstrate his good “bad” , the climax of action sequences in one go , the old man even the appearance of the front lens is not much , but I am afraid that his temperament is still a unique piece The most memorable role , of course, Alfred . Morina also have such characteristics.

” Prince of Persia “is a little plot of the film . It does not plot , first, because it was originally a story about the journey of , and this story is almost endlessly repeated and justified , and second, because it is the little plot is always lost in endless fights and special effects Being , this is like a man , like exposure to the vast Gobi Desert into irrelevance , third, because such a film , the plot just to the so-called scene services , just fighting to occur the next point seems inexplicable Buzhi Yu Reasons . So it seems , has become a very real film , and its purpose is to constantly create high tide , and it really was not faking orgasm . And the last trip was empty at the end of a sudden there is a being ” cheated ” feeling – all ! So that – but this seems to have set up some nonsense story became the film ‘s unique essence of the plot , because suddenly realized that brought a sense of being fooled and the consequent sense of fact is the movie banter This art often compelling.

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Julie Andrews hundred percent are bisexual – Morton book exposing her tell your

Andrew Morton’s new book, “Angelina Jolie: the unauthorized biography “Recently the market. This is called “Julie tell your mortgage,” the new book will reveal all her happy life behind the “hidden” secrets.

The book said that Julie had already said publicly that he is bisexual, she said: “I do not hide their bisexual tendencies, but self-love with Pete, the orientation and sexual abuse in this game has gone in life . “in the know before Pitt, Jolie lesbian girlfriend is Japanese-American model Jenny, and their relationship began in 1993, when they work the film” Evil Bong. “ Jenny told the British media, she and Julie in the next 10 years developed a deep affection, and also a relationship several times.

Andrew Morton is the world’s leading biographer, his biography, “Diana’s real-life” and “Monica’s Story – Monica Lewinsky confession recorded” all on board the bestseller list. But Morton’s reputation can be described as extremely poor, often based on hearsay evidence in his book, irresponsible manner, “crooked, said,” This has been his start with the name of the people miserable.

The book’s authenticity, he said: “The contents of the book from over 900 interviews, if anyone can find some false, and I naked in Times Square a month.”

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LadyGaga sick because of weight hanging 6 through meat tastes heavy equipment

Star is not as bright as the eyes of ordinary people, even the style has its own way of looking Lady Gaga also have their own piles of distress is not innate beauty of the quack did not become famous because they were the audience before the criticism “not beautiful, not skinny,” but to heart, make a determined effort to lose weight, to obtain the ideal slim. Results for weight loss led to serious eating disorders, health red light, she sometimes eat too much, sometimes for several weeks straight almost nothing to eat, then hung up 6 times last year, the sick, one and a half years, lost 9 kg weight , her former tour manager, said: “She physically and mentally ill.” year in January, she fatigue cause arrhythmias, and canceled 4 performances in the United States, in March in New Zealand performances, even the people limp in the arena. It seems the price of fame can be described as heavy.

On the other hand, following the preceding be exposed “male version of Gaga” Japanese “Vogue Hommes” and the Statue of Liberty “V” after the cover, then a quack of magazine recently exposed pictures. Chart quack hips ask charming face assumed a shape, but important in the head and body parts hung a red meat, was rather heavy taste. However, this according to surgeon’s controversial but well-known photographer, Terry Richardson, the two strange cooperation strange if not shock the world.

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Shed tears of remorse Rooney admitted 18 months and 60 prostitutes go to bed

On Rooney’s taste, we do not want to mention. To be sure, their personal life is definitely a complete Lanzi. Rooney prostitution scandal came to light again, he has admitted in 18 months time and 60 prostitutes go to bed. The face of overwhelming condemnation and the wives and children from the pressure of the Rooney rampage was finally used to shed tears of remorse: “I’m stupid, I do not know how to do.”

Prostitution of a person’s mistake

18 months and 60 prostitutes in bed, it is Rooney’s new “confession.” This is a very simple individual events, the facts are clear, detailed data, and “involved” confessed. It is reported that Rooney was nervous at fault, he once cried to a friend: “My life is finished, I stupid, I do not know how to do.” 1 Wayne Rooney’s acquaintance to the “Sun” said: “Rooney afraid this is just tip of the iceberg, then there may be more escort girls, Rooney will be overwhelmed.” Rooney incident came to light two days ago, the British public outcry, the fans are shocked, Rooney’s Public image of the badly damaged. BBC commentator even called Rooney England abandoned because of their behavior, “the white jersey to England to be contaminated.” The “Mirror” is analyzed, said the issue likely Rooney into prostitution, “Woods-type template,” like Tiger Woods as the ultimate ruin, and he more than 6 million pounds annually worth some sponsorship contract may be terminated to know that these contracts is based on the image of him to keep his men on the basis of home. Because of his inappropriate personal behavior, so that a time has been besieged Lu chubby feeling.

Entanglement of two divorce

Wayne Rooney and his wife Colleen is the childhood of this type of model couple, which was once so many fans that Rooney “specific and simple.” Now this is love fairy tales are completely shattered. It is reported that, although things Hou Luni by SMS to his wife Colleen confess and apologize, but because of “not honest”, his wife fled to her parents with children of light. Rooney was very worried: “Maybe Colleen will not forgive me this time, she will leave me. I have to pay any price to save my marriage.” Angry, but Colleen is not easy to placate. Colleen said: “Wayne Rooney is the childhood I grew up with, but know this, I felt a sudden collapse of the day, I find it hard to accept.” An informed source said that Colleen is a very independent woman, she is also economically independent, not according to Lai Luni, so the possibility of two great divorce. This name insider told the “Mirror”: “Before marriage, Rooney had already committed such a mistake, because she did not pursue Colleen love to try to forget about the scandal, and now she can do that? Lu Nigeria now looks do not care, so I think he absolutely should not and have a good ending. “

FA even behind Wayne Rooney for the results

Despite the unanimous demand of the community punish Rooney, but so far, FA and Fabio Capello on Wayne Rooney still has yet to make a decision, even without an open discussion. According to inside sources, a FA, Rooney will fly to Switzerland together with the team. There are signs that the Football Association is working hard to enable the matter to the “big little to nothing of the” direction of transfer. The reason is simple, tomorrow morning will attend away England’s European Championship qualifier against Switzerland. Only lost two World Cup as a goal, also beat South Africa, Spain, crack, strength of the Swiss team is extremely strong. England’s Wayne Rooney extremely urgent need to overcome the bridgehead Switzerland. The present state of normalizing Rooney after game victory over Bulgaria has played a vital role in Capello urgent need to partner up front with Defoe for the Three Lions take points away. This is the England team and the FA regarding this effort to weaken the reasons for Rooney scandal.

Some England players Wayne Rooney is also said to “support.” Defoe said: “Wayne Rooney should certainly participate in the competition, he was very important to us.” Milner also said: “A war with the Swiss, I think we all want the best players in the games, of course, Rooney is the most good players. We are confident that this will not affect our normal preparation. “The Manchester City player also said:” there will always be good news for newspapers or bad news, they may praise you, you may be demoted, you do not too concerned about. For us, the most important field performance. because in England, the win is the only important thing. “

In addition, given the imminent war in England, many fans began to call for “stabbing outside” must first “peace within”, it is recommended to treat each game and personal life, quite the voice of Wayne Rooney up more gradually. Clearly, Rooney has now things can settle for non-first person, the individual errors for the fate of football in England was closely linked up to another level, condemnation and shield, criticism and support, individual and collective, Wayne Rooney England will choose? This is a problem.

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“Unauthorized biography” Show-named by Julie wanted to

Andrew Morton’s new book, Times News, “AngelinaJolie *: Unauthorized Biography “should market, this book may reveal Julie happy life all the secrets behind.

Andrew Morton is one of the world’s leading biographer, is the authoritative interpretation of the important contemporary celebrity. In 1992 he published the biography, “Diana’s real life,” reveals the little-known life of Princess Diana, this book has been crowned “The New York Times” bestseller in the first place. But Morton’s reputation can be described as extremely poor, often based on hearsay evidence in his book, irresponsible manner, “crooked, said,” This also was his miserable start with the celebrity. But Morton swore that he had written himself told friends are Julie, he only wrote the truth. He said: “Julie is the most attractive woman on earth, her story extremely exciting. The book’s content from over 900 interviews, if anyone can find some false, and I naked in a Times Square month. “

In Andrew Morton wrote that Julie’s tragic early life, the times from the baby started. On Paul Mu Keli quoted Jolie as saying Alexandra Morel, Julie’s mother, actress 玛奇琳伯特 Rand in 1976 after breaking up with Qiaowo Te sad fact tantamount to abandoning the small Jolie . Bertrand, Jolie living in a separate closet at home, by the group of people take turns to look after, rarely ask her, as long as two years. This childhood experience of being abandoned to Julie’s mind to leave an indelible scar, leading to her future self-harm behavior and Lv Yi and the personality.

Jolie also revealed a large number of confusing emotional experience: In 2003, Jolie film“Taking Lives”, the actor and the play was a married man’s Ethan Hawke (his wife at the timeUma Thurman) had intimate relations, but also, andLeonardo*DiCaprio,Johnny Depp, Mick Jagger and other transfer over sex scandal. In addition, Jolie had already said publicly that he is bisexual, in understanding before Pitt, Jolie lesbian girlfriend is Japanese-American model Jenny. Jenny told the British media, she and Julie in a period of 10 years, the development of deep feelings.

Andrew Morton said in the book, Julie’s second husband, actor Billy Bob Thornton also because of weak character, so Julie very frustrated, once the spirit of a problem, she went to the University of California Medical 72-hour monitoring center conducted. He also writes sensational book, Julie and even want to hire gunmen to murder themselves, the gunmen who did not immediately take over the family on this one, but she considered a month of the month to save the dogwood Li.

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British singer verbally dishonored the Chinese people

according to the BBC Electric, British pop singer Morrissey in an interview claiming that the Chinese cruelty to animals, describing the Chinese as “inferior races”, strongly criticized by the media, there comment said he was “rude racist.”

Morrissey told The Guardian Weekend Magazine interview when talking about animal rights claims, “Did you see that how they treat animals and animal welfare issues? Absolute terror, you have to think the Chinese are really a ‘sub- other races’. “

where can I get bubble wrap?

Morrissey’s comments caused considerable controversy, some critics said he was “rude racist.” Clark, Guardian columnist, said Morrissey’s comments are “deliberately test and race-related taboos,” the bottom line, this practice must stop.

In 2008, “Love music, hate racism,” anti-racist organizations have received donations Morrissey. But a spokeswoman said that Morrissey’s comments are “crude racism” will no longer accept his contributions.

Reported that Morrissey in a statement Friday night, refused to withdraw remarks, saying China has no animal protection laws, abuse of animals in the world’s most serious.

Morrissey is a vegetarian and animal rights advocates. He was writing songs, “flesh-eating is murder.” Last year, he was a U.S. music festivals Zengyin taste and smell the barbecue stop play. In 2007, Morrissey said the immigrants has changed the face of Britain, but he later denied he was racist.

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“Transformers” director of people out of 50,000 U.S. dollars meat “cold-blooded little girl”

Little girl is throwing a puppy

Pavlovic picked up the dog

According to the British “Daily Mail” continuous coverage, recently, Bosnia and Herzegovina has a little girl thrown into the river after another 6 puppies.

Meanwhile, her “partner” is also used video cameras to record the whole process. Video uploaded to YouTube, has caused outrage worldwide Internet users.”Transformers”directorMichael Bayoffering a reward of 50,000 U.S. dollars and even human flesh her.

She lost the next of the six dogs to the rapids

U.S. director out of 5 million “human flesh”

Video, the little girl wearing a red sweater, crowded in a few feet of plastic barrels like newborn puppies. Despite the screaming little girl puppy, toward the turbulent rivers threw six straight.

“Daily Mail” that the whole world was so angry! YouTube quickly dismissed the video, but the video has been widespread. International animal protection organization PETA, SOS, Flekice whole battle, condemned the heinous acts of the little girl. PETA also pay a high reward to investigate the girl’s identity.

PETA said the staff of the German branch: “PETA has come up with the U.S. Department of € 1500 (€ 1 approximately 8.8 yuan) for the reward of the investigation status of girls, while in Cologne Kaerneita Foundation will provide € 1,000. ”

Hollywoodmovie “Transformers,”“Pearl Harbor”director Michael Bay offering a reward of 50,000 U.S. dollars, “flesh” this little girl. His personal Web site, said: “This video is very disturbed people … … This is 50 thousand U.S. dollars mainly for the arrest, prosecution, and shoot video throwing a dog person.”

Social networking site “Facebook” on, many people set up special Web page, “flesh” this little girl.

For her safety

Disclose the identity of the girl

Bugojno in central Bosnia and Herzegovina 3, said police had been traced to this little girl. “Daily Mail” that they are also informed that the girl’s name, but for her safety considerations, decided not to publish.

SOS animal protection organization also claims to have the little girl’s information. To their knowledge, is her brother standing nearby, took 44 seconds this too the “killing” video.

SOS members 范里米尔伊万 Niseweiqi said he had received an e-mail, said the little girl ten years old, living in the center of Bugojno. “We can not hundred percent sure, but on all the other information, this is true.” He said.

Police said the girl’s parents will soon be transferred to the questioning. According to Bosnian law, torture, kill animals, a maximum fine of £ 4000 (£ 1 about 10.5 yuan).

6 puppies are all still alive?

Only the girl and shot video of the people know

5, Bugojno 75-year-old woman Luzhapafu Pavlovic claimed the dog was not thrown away that little girl was drowned, they have saved them.

Pavlovic said, her way to find their own potatoes, six puppies are still floating in the River.

“Daily Post” said that, while Sasha Pavlovic is proud to show a photo of her and a few puppy, but now not sure that is not being thrown away that little girl a few.

Pavlovic dog photo is dark brown two-tone, but the video was thrown into the river of the dog is black and white.

Another doubt is that the video is too small dog, less likely to own “floating” to Pavlovic groan their place.

Now, only about a little girl and throwing a dog who can shoot video to confirm Pavlovic said is not true.

Recently, animal abuse has touched many people’s nerves. Last month 21 British 45-year-old Coventry woman Marybelle passing a block, the no reason to throw trash in a cat, it hard screaming inside for 15 hours, all were monitored Video captured.

This incident also caused users crazy “human flesh” search, it was even issued death threats against Bell.

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