” Scimitar “Latest Pictures Lindsay – Women carrying assault rifles Lohan repair

Lindsay – Lohan Revised Women carrying assault rifles

Film ” Scimitar ” issued Lindsay – Lohan ‘s latest stills , stills of Lindsay – the embodiment of sturdy Lohan Sisters , dressed in her holding a submachine gun repair ladies . The 24- year-old actress named April in the film playing a love of firearms socialite.

” Scimitar “by Robert – Rodriguez Director , about the hero scimitar (Machete) is a skilled killer , once he was hired to assassinate a senator . But just as he was the target and fire when ready , suddenly found other people are to their target . Scimitar understand that they have been designed , in the hard-won survivor from the sniper ‘s gun , he decided to revenge the original employer . Meanwhile machetes also found himself a hand – his former friend , has become a priest and vowed not to use violence in Marion . They jointly embarked on a journey of revenge .

Lindsay – Lohan for breach of probation , required 90 days imprisonment , sentence of time in the United States beginning July 20 , after 90 days in prison , Lindsay – Lohan admitted for alcohol treatment needed .

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